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Stainforth and Keadby Canal at Stainforth


Stainforth Town Council is currently working in partnership with Pegasus Group to develop a Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) for the town council area of Stainforth up to 2035.  It is being prepared building on the responses to the public consultation on the Issues and Options document from March to April 2019. In addition a Neighbourhood Development Order has been prepared for the former colliery site.

NDPs are planning policy documents, and once made (adopted) by the local planning authority (here, Doncaster Borough Council) they are used to help determine planning applications in the area.  They are therefore powerful tools for communities who wish to have a stronger influence in planning decisions.

The Draft Plan sets out a draft vision and objectives and the emerging draft planning policies and site allocations for Stainforth.  The planning policies and proposals are grouped under the following planning themes:

  • Protecting and Enhancing Local Mining Heritage

  • Improving Housing Choice

  • Improving Accessibility for All

  • Supporting Health and Wellbeing and

  • Local Development Opportunities.

The preparation of NDPs is complex and lengthy because the documents are "statutory" ie they carry legal weight in decision making.  Therefore the NDP will go through a further stage of consultation undertaken by Doncaster Council, then an examination and finally a local referendum before it is completed.  Overall, the NDP has to meet a set of "basic conditions" and these will be tested through the examination process.  The basic conditions include that the NDP has to be "in general conformity" with the strategic planning policies in Doncaster's Local Plan and to have regard to the Government's national planning policies.

Following this consultation and careful consideration of all submitted comments, the Draft Plan will be revised and submitted to Doncaster Council.


Following the completion of Regulation 14 pre-submission consultation and publicity on their Neighbourhood Plan, Stainforth Town Council have submitted the documents to the Local Planning Authority, for examination under part 15 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (as amended). Read more HERE.


John Slater (BA(Hons) DMS MRTPI FRGS) has been appointed to examine the Stainforth Neighbourhood Plan. A number of initial comments have been provided by the examiner for parties to respond to by 24 May 2024 and can be viewed HERE.


Following the Reg 16 publication, a Notice of Referendum has been issued, and has taken place on Thursday 10th October 2024. Read More HERE.


The final Referendum version of the Stainforth Neighbourhood Development Plan document may be found below:


The result of the referendum held on 10th October shows a result of 335 votes in favour of YES, against 56 votes in favour of NO. Read more HERE.

01302 844903

PO Box 797 Stainforth, Doncaster, DN7 5WZ

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©2022 by Stainforth Neighbourhood Plan. Original website by Harry Fisher, updated by Boris Segal, photos by Lewis Saunderson, logo design by SFCgraphicdesign

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