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Stainforth Neighbourhood Plan Area

Referendum on the Stainforth Neighbourhood Plan


A Referendum relating to the adoption of the Stainforth Neighbourhood Plan was held on Thursday 10 October 2024 and the results are as follows:


Question in Referendum

“Do you want City of Doncaster Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Stainforth to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?”



Number of Votes

Number of votes cast in favour of a ‘YES’                                                335

Number of votes cast in favour of a ‘NO’                                                 56


The number of ballot papers rejected was as follows                             Number of ballot papers

 A  want of an official mark                                                                         0

 B  a vote for more than one answer                                                         0

 C  writing or mark by which voter could be identified                           0

 D  being unmarked or wholly void for uncertainty                                 1

 Total                                                                                                            1


Electorate                     Ballot Papers Issued                                             Turnout

4,352                              392                                                                         9.00%

01302 844903

PO Box 797 Stainforth, Doncaster, DN7 5WZ

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©2022 by Stainforth Neighbourhood Plan. Original website by Harry Fisher, updated by Boris Segal, photos by Lewis Saunderson, logo design by SFCgraphicdesign

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